Marketing Strategies
Allow OTS to provide the most appropriate marketing resource management and social media interaction techniques and community engagement tools and practices. OTS will guide your company to its most beneficial consumers and help you guide those consumers to you.
Product Sourcing
OTS has personal relationships with a wide assortment of tea farmers and producers, as well as teaware artisans and manufacturers, in Japan, China and Taiwan. Let OTS save you time and headaches by connecting you to quality producers from the word go.
Business Plans
After two decades in the tea industry OTS has seen and experienced a wide variety of business failures and successes. Whether you’ve just started out or been running for years, business planning can be the key to your success. OTS will give you greater control over your business, prioritise your goals and resources, and even help you get financing assistance.
B2B Resources
Establishing and maintaining a relationship with an overseas business can be challenging and confusing. Japan, China and Taiwan have an entirely different set of expectations for a business relationship. OTS can guide you through these interactions, be there with you to establish the relationship together, or even act as your representative in many situations.
Strategic Planning
OTS can help you analyze your customers, vendors, and competitors for weaknesses in your business model and areas of untapped growth potential. Strategic planning isn’t just for big business; a creative and responsive strategy can make the difference.
Editing Services
OTS has a vast knowledge base regarding tea leaf products and teawares from diverse regions. Not only knowing what you have, but how to accurately and positively communicate it to your customers will build brand loyalty and perceived trust-worthiness. OTS can audit your marketing materials, both online and print media, and give you feedback to avoid unpleasant reactions by your consumer community.